Easter Bunny 2016, Results – Scores and Kidney Charity Support.
A maximum entry to our annual charity tournament enjoyed some varied windy conditions.
We are supporting Gloucestershire Kidney Patients Association for three years.
Congratulations to: Amethyst Chopping (J) of Exeter Co of Archers who claimed a UK Record for a Junior Ladies SJN Longbow with a score of 404.
Jason Meehan of High Weald who claimed a UK Record for a Gents Barebow National with a score of 548.
As a result of the Fund Raising of the event, we were able to hand over a cheque for £625.00 to GKPA.
My thanks to our Lord Patron, Michael Abbott, Chairman of GKPA, for handing out all the awards.
Thank you to our three Judges for keeping everything “in order”. Thank you to the hardworking Field Party for making it all happen, and the Kitchen Team for keeping up our strength.
Edward Kain, Tournament Organiser for Cheltenham Archers. 29 March 2016