Thank You for your Help.

Dear Fellow Member of Cheltenham Archers,

Thank you to those who assisted on Saturday and Sunday in putting on our Summer Tournament on Sunday 5th July.
Volunteers are needed to help as follows:

A.  Saturday 4th July 12.00 noon, immediately after Junior Club, to set
out the stands and bosses.
Will take about 45 minutes provided there are enough of us.

B.  Sunday 5th July 8.00am to face up the targets, put up the Jugdes`
gazebo etc.
Will take about an hour and a half.

C.  Sunday 5th July, during the Tournament a working party for lost
arrows, moving targets etc.
All day.

D.  Sunday 5th July, after shooting ends (about 4,30pm), to put targets
and stands away and reset field.
Will take about an hour, if there are enough people.

If you are willing to help with any, or all, of A. B. C. or D. please
could you let me know, so that I can be sure we have enough people to
help at each stage.

Edward Kain, Tournament Organiser.


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